Science Camps: Visualising Data
Data visualisation is a graphical representation of information. In the process of visualising data we data (information) into graphics (maps, charts, graphs, dashboards). We visualise data so that the data is easier to understand. It also shows us patterns, trends, statistical analysis, outliers (strange occurrences) that we would not normally notice
iNaturalist Competition
At SAEON we have created an iNaturalist competition for you to participate in as part of your science camp. While during these strange COVID-19 times we cannot have a normal science camp, we want you to use iNaturalist to collect data that we can use during our virtual science camps.
Learn how to make a website
In our tutorial, you can discover the basics of creating a file that contains source code for a webpage – including HTML, CSS and JavaScript (in the same file). SAEON’s web-based software tools extend the same concepts as introduced in the SSK tutorial (HTML, CSS and JavaScript), as does every other website in the world. Our source code is state-of-the-art, and we would love to share how it works.
Understanding the Urban Heat Island
An urban heat island occurs when a city experiences much warmer temperatures than nearby rural areas. Cities have replaced natural land surfaces with materials that retain heat. Cities also experience waste heat from buildings, motor vehicles and industries.